[nmglug] April 24th;

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Tue May 6 19:04:09 PDT 2014

Arlo Barnes writes:
> apt-cache search says it does not know about dhclient, so I will have to
> see later what repository  that is in that I will have to add.

A useful app to install is apt-file. Install it (when you're on the
net next), then run

$ sudo apt-file-update

and then you can find out what package would own a particular file,
even packages that aren't installed:

$ apt-file search bin/dhclient
isc-dhcp-client: /sbin/dhclient
isc-dhcp-client: /sbin/dhclient-script
isc-dhcp-client-dbg: /usr/lib/debug/sbin/dhclient

You can also try apt-file search dhclient (I tried that first) but
it prints too much, so I narrowed my search down to just executables
living inside directories with names ending in "bin".

	...Akkana (lurker, haven't made it to a meeting yet)

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