[nmglug] An Installation Adventure

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Thu May 15 18:23:36 PDT 2014

Arlo and NMGLuger's - I use Xubuntu, and yes, I know, it is a
compromise and becoming more so with Canonical Ltd. corporate style
and offers of proprietary parts snuck in. BUT, it is Linux, it is
complete for the beginning user who wants to actually use the
applications, not investigate or modify them. I still have four users
out there who are getting work done on their machines of various ages.
I prefer Xubuntu but there is Lubuntu and Mint and others. Xubuntu is
menu based and therefore not so big a stretch for the  former Windows
users. Take a look at the websites of these named offerings or others
you may have heard of. Again, I find the lesser widget-ized
presentations easier to 'sell' to somebody wanting to just try
something different. I am always pleased to show people that they then
have 10K applications to choose from to do what it is they do.
Thank you, Ted P.

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