[nmglug] Meeting on Thursday

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Tue May 20 18:21:44 PDT 2014

NMGlugers  and Le Nguyen, We are scheduled to meet this Thursday and I
do plan to show up and will talk with Rob about my decision to stick
with the hard drive I have for the moment. He did get me in motion and
I changed the CMOS battery(again) in my Asus EEE. As this is only a
small issue with the Asus I am happy with the result.
Linux Mint or other Debian clone is certainly a way to enliven an
older laptop. You will get as many opinions as N + 2 when we meet. At
least a few of us have more than one favoriite Linux OS. It also
depends on ones definition of "easy" install! But all improve the
working of the hardware and the user, too.
Thank you, See you in two days. Ted P.

On 5/20/14, Le Nguyen <lenguyen0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> NMGLUG folks,
> Can someone give me time/date/location info for the upcoming meeting?
> I have meant to drive up from ABQ several times to meet & greet y'all (but
> I am not getting any younger). Will have to one of these days, if not this
> Thursday.
> The topics are always interesting to me. I got exposed to Unix way back
> when (V6, V7, PWB, BSD...)
> I currently have 2 old laptops with XP and am thinking of running Linux or
> Chrome OS on them...
> Thank you!
> Le Nguyen

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