[nmglug] GNU gnu photo

s at mnoble.net s at mnoble.net
Wed Sep 17 09:16:06 PDT 2014

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 09:51:46AM -0600, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
> NMGLug'ers, Attached is the origami I had at the money-less yard sale.
> Some thought it a pretty good approximation of the animal. I will
> practice and make another for our next meeting.
> Thank you, Ted

Ted that's pretty sweet. You should put it up on the wordpress site.

I'll take the opportunity to share my favorite tip for hunting gnu:
(online pictures, plush toys etc, I doubt it makes a difference if
you're on an actual safari.) I find I get way more search results for
the synonym wildebeest than for GNU, the internet being full of copies
of the FSF logo and LibTech's snowboards :)


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