[nmglug] Dual-boot W8/Mint

Geoff Chesshire geoff at newmexico.com
Mon Sep 22 14:48:27 PDT 2014

Hi everyone,

Our friend Jaya (at SFBC) is struggling to help out a newbie friend of his  
who tried on her own to install LinuxMint to dual-boot with Windows 8 on a  
Lenovo.  I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that now neither W8 nor  
Linux will boot up.  On Saturday, I was able to boot from the Linux  
partition under BIOS using grub on my USB stick.  Next Thursday, I'll  
bring a UEFI-bootable USB stick to see whether as a last resort we can  
(re)install grub-efi to boot both W8 and Linux.  I have a hunch that W8 is  
fubared, though.  If anyone could help him out earlier in the week, I'm  
sure he would appreciate it, as he's feeling rather under the gun with  
this fiasco.


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