[nmglug] Cryptoparty in Albuquerque

S. F. P. White suitablyawesome at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 12:31:06 PDT 2015

Hi NMGLugers,

I'll be helping to throw a free cryptoparty in Albuquerque on Sunday, July
26, that is, next weekend. Here's the website for the event:

Everyone is invited! We'll be teaching privacy and security methods,
including, for example, PGP/GPG and Tor. It'll be at the Fat Pipe coworking
space at 4pm. We hope that people who are either a) well-versed enough in
privacy and security to help teach others or b) who are new to the tools
and want to learn about privacy/security will attend. I imagine there might
be both on this list, and maybe more of the former. Also, we hope to do
lots of key-signing. And we'll likely have pizza.

So, please come if you can and feel free to invite anyone else you think
may be interested, or perhaps, should be interested! If you have any more
questions, you can email me about it!

Scott White
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