[nmglug] Google Warning Test

Arlo Barnes arlo.barnes at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 14:42:39 PST 2016

On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 11:39 AM, esque <quartonation at gmail.com> wrote:

> Now I don't want to lose Windows because I may sell it.

You probably wanted to start a new thread for this, but it does not matter.

My suggestion is to get all the data you need off it, wipe it, and state in
your advertisements that since the buyer will have to load their own OS*,
you will discount it a little (it does not have to be much, a Jackson or
two will satisfy most people that they are 'getting a deal').

But! Offer to help them with this by providing a free, privacy-improving (a
big feature point post-Snowden), intuitive and customizable OS at no extra
charge (I can supply a CD or cheap thumb drive), in which case they can
come to the GLUG to get help installing it and being introduced to it.
If they are not interested in this, remind them they can always buy
whatever proprietary OS they want (probably Windows, although it is no
longer a given that everybody wants the latest version, since Microsoft has
made so many changes so rapidly, some of them pretty dubious - people seem
to like still using 7, or even XP [which removes even the missing-the-point
"it is supported" argument for proprietary software], so it might even be
an advantage not selling it with Windows preloaded) and install it
themselves, with plenty of online resources helping them to do that.

-Arlo James Barnes
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