[nmglug] GNOME Session and note about Vimperator

Arlo Barnes arlo.barnes at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 17:30:00 PST 2016

Hi, all!

I thought this was an interesting coincidence: we talked a bit about
Vim-style keybindings for the browser the other night, and Pentadactyl,
Vimperator, and Vimium were mentioned by name. Well, with the release of
Debian 8.3 today, Vimperator has been removed as a package because it has
not been maintained to be compatible with newer Iceweasel versions as
packaged in Debian.

Also, I had a question. When one uses the hibernate feature of GNOME (or
the suspend feature, and while the session is suspended in memory the
computer runs out of battery and loses power, as in my case), the session
must be stored somewhere, and I presume in a file. Where would this be?
When I turn on my laptop, it gets to the point where GNOME loads (but not
the desktop [Nautilus] yet), and then freezes, even when I hard-shutdown by
holding the power button and try again; the reason I think it might be a
session-related issue is that I notice on a new session, the cursor starts
in the middle of the screen, whereas every time I start it up, the cursor
(in the 'waiting dial' shape) is in the same place near the lower right
corner. So I think the session may be corrupt, and if I delete a 'session
file' that might exist, perhaps it would reset and force GNOME to start a
fresh session?
Please help clarify this and tell me if what little understanding I have is
totally off.

Many thanks,
-Arlo James Barnes
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