[nmglug] Meeting tonight;

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 09:21:53 PDT 2018

Hi NMGLugers, We meet tonight and Liz will bring a mis-behaving laptop. We
did the updates a year or so ago. I don't think I have seen her since. Wifi
connection issues and browser issues on some sites. I suggested she restart
all the gear at home and see if that cleared up the issues. It may be time
for upgrade, she is doing any updates herself.
I will bring the Tomu, for anyone interested. I am not going to pursue it.
I am working on getting completely into Debian and use of the GUI so I can
convert others who have been using Xubuntu. One known issue in xfce4 is a
broken panel clock, but Orage clock/calendar works well in its place.
See you at the Baking Co. around 5:15 or so.
Thank you, Ted P.
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