[nmglug] nmglug Digest, Vol 171, Issue 5

jason schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Sun Mar 11 20:41:07 PDT 2018

Hi Toby
Its been a long time. Hope all is well!

> You should be able to run virtualbox on Linux and download a windows 7
> .iso file to create the VM. The Windows machine will run without a
> license for at

Do not run virtualbox! Use KVM

Its been around a really long time, is native and works very well. If
you want a gui front end use virt-manager. Its easy to use and works
well. You can use virt-manager to mange remote guests, as well. You can
also use virsh on the command line to manage guests. KVM is the way to
go, all the way.



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