[nmglug] No GUI desktop

okeefe at cybermesa.com okeefe at cybermesa.com
Fri Mar 16 17:43:32 PDT 2018

On Fri, March 16, 2018 4:01 pm, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
 Thanks Ted,
I'm not seeing x processes thou I can't say I'd recognize them for sure!
Interestingly when I boot the machine starts xfcewm, just like it used to
gdm. No password no nothing just straight to the GUI. Previously I could
choose to logout and then the normal gnome login screen would appear with
me and guest as choices. I'd choose me and enter my password. All was
good. the XFCE desktop does not give me that option and switching totty
and logging in as me doesn't produce a GUI.
I created a new user with admin privileges and cannot startx or even
lightdm, which somehow has become default.
That's where I leave it tonite....
Thanks for any and all help- eternally grateful My response, in part, to
Sam follows

 > Brian, Don't give up. If you have a gui for the Guest account then
> there is a setting problem in your User account. Take a look via
> commandline as Sam suggests. Also use the older machine to review the
> Display manager vs. X window system vs Wayland. Wayland is the newer
> system and might be a change you didn't anticipate.
> Now the easiest way to access the files is to use a usb or pull the
> hard drive and use an adapter to attach it to your other machine. If
> you don't have the adapter go back to solving the original problem.
> Have you tried to add a new user with admin privileges. If that new
> user account has a gui, then you surely have an error in one of the
> config's saved in your original account.
> Keep in touch, there is always a solution. Thank you, Ted
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