[nmglug] rsync errors

Brian O'Keefe okeefe at cybermesa.com
Thu Mar 22 04:14:27 PDT 2018

So a Solomon's choice though one part of the baby is much smaller. It's 
unfortunate for me that I had many, many bookmarks and I used Scrapbook 
and doing this will loose all of those, most probably. Especially 
Scrapbook as FF55 doesn't support it. The ESR release does though. I 
know that I made the situation very complex by keeping apps and config 
files for years but being at the level I am I never had any difficulties 
until the last update (not distro upgrade). Be that as it may I 
obviously have to take that path (no pun intended-NOT) and muddle 
through. I used to just copy my entire home directory over to a new 
install and all my important files would be there. Thunderbird would 
launc with all of my emails and the files ordered the same. Loosing that 
would be, well, I can't express that. In any case, I think that I'll use 
CCC as I have in the past and set the flag for no errors. It will copy 
everything, junk and all and then I can sift thru the clone instead of 
trying to track each error with rsync as they occur, Especially since I 
am vague on that and I'm sorry Mark, that I am that dense. And I mean 
that too. I would need someone sith me that could pull off the rsync 
that is more knowledgeable than I on the command line. Old dog, old tricks.
So I'll post the results of the cloning, should be fine as it has never 
failed yet. Then the rest is just a slog. But I have 4 months of down 
time to figure it out! Whoopie for me!!
PS-Mark, the usb drive will not boot into the "try without installing" 
mode. I can only run a check disc, which shows no errors. Weird that.

Many thanks! I'll be in touch


On 03/21/2018 03:34 PM, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
> NMGLugers, After a reinstall avoid restoring the old settings/config 
> files for your browser and some other applications. Especially if 
> shifting the Desktop environment. Changes in the application and your 
> system and kernel make for problems reading the old files. You can 
> sort through to find a set of bookmarks as a json file and try to copy 
> that to your home directory and then, in Firefox try and Import. If FF 
> balks the file may be incompatible. Re-install is a time to review 
> your settings and preferences and update the User-Mind, ie, make new 
> choices or confirm the old ones. See what you think. Thank you, Ted P.
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Mark Galassi <mark at galassi.org 
> <mailto:mark at galassi.org>> wrote:
>     Brian, please do what I told you to do in private email before you
>     continue this long sequence on the list.
>     Examine the important directories in your backup to see that they are
>     good.  If so then you're done.
>     Otherwise, after rebooting:
>     You should fsck the external drive filesystem so that it will mount in
>     read/write mode.
>     You can remove directories like ~/.mozilla.backup and other volatile
>     stuff before you back up.
>     Then fix the path to /dev/sd?1 and run the snapshot script.
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