[nmglug] Meeting this week;

Satsangat Khalsa satsangat at khalsa.com
Tue May 29 09:23:09 PDT 2018

Good to hear about the install.  I'm, probably, available to give you a
ride.  I come in on 84/285 from Espy so could swing by somewhere.

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 8:26 AM, Ted Pomeroy <ted.pome at gmail.com> wrote:

> Brian & NMGLugers, Bravo Brian. Glad the install worked and Grub and wifi
> wrinkles ironed out. My take on the browser data is to not bring it in.
> Unless you checked all the parameters in Firefox 'about:config' by hand and
> know the defaults, you run the risk of problems. I say start fresh, read
> the old files in the isolated drive if you need to find a link you hae
> forgotten. But if you know the name you can find the url. Also read the
> news on the new rules from Europe and note how the internet is changing.
> Good luck either way. Glad for your success. Thank you, Ted P.
> On Fri, May 25, 2018, 6:44 PM <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After a somewhat tail-chasing evening on my trying to install 18.04 onto
>> my new 1TB SSD we gave up. Ted loaned me his USB live drive (and I will
>> guard it with your life Ted) and so this afternoon I allowed the installer
>> to deal with partitions and Grub, etc. there was an issue with a UEFI
>> board capable or not. Last nite we tried tweaking this and that but the
>> installer just handled it. I watched the output during the install and the
>> installer found my UEFI platform and then did a Grub upgrade by itself. So
>> after 20 minutes I had a fully functioning install, sort of. I knew that
>> my broadcom driver was wonky even though I could choose it in the live
>> version and wifi worked but on the install the driver showed up but
>> couldn't be activated. I installed synaptic and then installed every
>> broadcom kernel DKMS, and all things Broadcom. I then chose it as the
>> driver and now have fully functioning wifi.
>> A big question is that since I was hacked, probably at Standing Rock, how
>> can I migrate profiles (Firefox and Thunderbird) and files without
>> dragging some infection with them and giving "them" access again? I need
>> help with that one!
>> I'll try to make next meeting but my wife is out of town. If someone is on
>> the north side of town near the P.O., perhaps I could hitch a ride. I'll
>> try to use my clout to keep the Baking Co. open until 7:30 again!
>> That's the news from here. Good to have seen all!
>> Brian
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