[nmglug] [ABGLUG] Zero-day (06-04-2019) postmortem

ABQLUG community at abqlug.com
Wed Jun 5 09:51:42 PDT 2019

Hi to all of the NMGLUGers!

I'm very happy with last nights turn out! In total there were 6 people 
that showed up (my boss and I are included).

Here is a basic recap of what happened:

  * We discussed about some ideas on how to reach out to the local
    community and how to invite "normal people" to start using open
    source software. We talked about how showcasing software can help
    invite new users to use something that is new to them. And how the
    LUG can help by basically demoing software.
  * We also discussed the importance of self-hosting your data and how
    it could be a main focus point to these meetings. From NextCloud to
    ZoneMinder, we want to help others take back their data!
  * I asked if there were any "bigger issues" that needed to be handled
    for a better life in Albuquerque. I directly gave the example of
    dark fiber in certain neighborhoods. (Though that was just an
    example, I can't think of any other direct problems.) I know the
    answer to the dark fiber thing is very complicated, expensive, and
    isn't going to change any time soon. If the meetups start to get
    bigger, we can re-visit at looking to fix these "bigger issues."
  * A couple of people had some questions on specific software they
    wanted to use under Linux.

     1. Setting up CRM software for non-profit organizations. <- kinda
        vague, the answer might vary based on the organization
     2. Setting up some form of CMS for a family to share pictures and
        videos. Has to be 'fully' encrypted. (Would Mastadon be a good
        solution for this?)
     3. How to install the latest Ancestral Quest (v15 ?) on Linux Mint.
        I'm trying to avoid suggesting a Windows VM. Wine should work
        since it works with v14. Needs some research still.
     4. How to get the latest version of Quicken to work under Linux
        Mint. Same sort of scenario.
     5. How to get dropbox to work under Linux Mint. <- I think the
        issue wasn't with Dropbox, more testing is needed to see if the
        issue is resolved.

  * David brought up the idea to reach out to kids and show them what
    they can do with FOSSoftware. Maybe help them setup Linux on their
    laptops (IDK if APS kids get a laptop through the school system like
    some other cities do, if you have any information over this, please
    email me directly: communityoutreach at abqlug.com)

I hope to update the blog post with more detailed information over the 
next couple of days, I will send the link out when that is complete. 
Over the next couple of weeks I will also announce next weeks' topic and 
app pick.

I hope to see you all at the next meetup!


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