[nmglug] rsnapshot syntax OK interval not

ABQLUG community at abqlug.com
Wed May 29 08:54:30 PDT 2019

Hi a and the rest of the mailing list,

At home I have a freenas device I store all my media, when I need 
something I just access the file server. But that's how I do it, and 
it's not ideal, but I tend to be lazy with my setup at home.

To directly answer the question, I believe rsnapshot is not receiving 
support currently. https://github.com/rsnapshot/rsnapshot/issues/191

I think the go to application for file based incremental backup for 
user-created files is Back In Time. https://github.com/bit-team/backintime

For Ubuntu you can install the PPA:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bit-team/stable
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install backintime-qt4

Here is the documentation: https://backintime.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

I'd be interested in hearing feedback from others if Back In Time isn't 
a good program. I have had very limited experience with it.



On 5/28/19 4:08 PM, a wrote:
> Hi
> I am planning to install "rsnapshot" before I continue is this a good 
> incremental backup program?
> I have uncommented the 1st, hourly, and 2nd, daily choices some 
> results, any suggestions? Thanks. a
> rsnapshot encountered an error! The program was invoked with these 
> options:
> /usr/bin/rsnapshot -t weekly
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ERROR: Interval "weekly" unknown, check /etc/rsnapshot.conf
> root at alap:/home/a# rsnapshot -t daily
> echo 6300 > /var/run/rsnapshot.pid
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> rsnapshot encountered an error! The program was invoked with these 
> options:
> /usr/bin/rsnapshot -t daily
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ERROR: Interval "daily" unknown, check /etc/rsnapshot.conf
> root at alap:/home/a# rsnapshot -t hourly
> echo 6301 > /var/run/rsnapshot.pid
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> rsnapshot encountered an error! The program was invoked with these 
> options:
> /usr/bin/rsnapshot -t hourly
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ERROR: Interval "hourly" unknown, check /etc/rsnapshot.conf
> root at alap:/home/a# snapshot configtest
> bash: snapshot: command not found
> root at alap:/home/a# rsnapshot configtest
> Syntax OK
> root at alap:/home/a#
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