[nmglug] HDD > SSD

ABQLUG community at abqlug.com
Fri May 31 13:03:00 PDT 2019

Hi a,

You have the old drive, an external, and the new SSD on order, right? 
Just wanted to make sure that you have all those components.

If you wanted to bring the bring the laptop by to the meeting I'm 
hosting in Albuquerque, that's totally fine! I hope your shipping 
provider delivers the SSD in time... It on May the 4th at 6 pm. 

Remember moving large files can take a while, do you know how large your 
data is?

    df -h -x squashfs

Run that command to list how much data you're using on the current system.

I would be willing to help you after the meetup is over. If you would 
like my help, that is. XD



On 5/31/19 6:20 AM, a wrote:
> The SSD has been ordered with a delivery date of May 4-7,
> On 5/30/19 9:02 PM, jason schaefer wrote:
>> Hi a
>> I highly recommend coming to a meeting to get this done in person. 
>> For something like this its good to get confirmation that someone is 
>> willing and able to help you at the meeting. It would also be good to 
>> meet this person early to allow time for such a migration. I might be 
>> able to be this person next week but my days are so crazy its hard to 
>> say what time I would be able to get to the meeting.
>> Jason
>> On 5/30/19 5:42 PM, a wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have ordered a 500G ssd to install my laptop, with my limited knowledge and support devices.(i no need a live disc) My tentative plan follow the Https below transfer to external HDD  then reverse
>>> the process to the ssd?
>>> IN 1.)
>>> ( SUDO LINE BELOW FROM;https://www.ostechnix.com/backup-entire-linux-system-using-rsync/) USING THERE SITE EXAMPLE FOLLOWING:
>>>   $ sudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /mnt
>>> Q.) IS MY DESTINATION CORRECTLY CONFIGURED?. SUBSTITUTING /MNT LAST PART PREVIOUS LINE FOR:  /home/a//media/a/6fbdc743-fc0f-46e4-aea3-8160914c34ec/backup_HDD TO GET
>>> $ sudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /home/a//media/a/6fbdc743-fc0f-46e4-aea3-8160914c34ec/backup_HDD
>>> BEST.a
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