[nmglug] Meeting tonight

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 08:30:19 PST 2020

Satsangat, Hello. Glad to hear from you. We went to Second St. Brewery
instead of Baking Co. Jason and Geoff are going to see if they can find a
new venue. Baking Co. is just not the same and we need a congenial space.
Stay tuned.
No, not doing Kali. Two folks from Abq. are using it. I had noted the root
login by default. But it is like Knoppix, designed for rescue. Now Kali
install will shift away from that.
I did a funky install for Geoff last night, an old Compaq laptop - 32bit
Xubuntu 18.04 worked. He's going to offer it to a friend to learn about
Linux. Oh boy, some friend. There is better hardware in his closet I am
sure. Anyway it was something to do.
Be well and look for an announcement about a new location.
Thank you, Ted P.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 7:50 AM Satsangat Khalsa <satsangat at khalsa.com>

> Hey Ted,
>    How goes it?  Was late last night but when i went by SFBC it was
> closed, a little after 6:00 P.M.
> The grub fix sounded pretty slick.  Are you still trying out Kali?
> Best,
> Satsangat
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 2:11 PM Ted Pomeroy <ted.pome at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi NMGLugers.  We have a meeting tonight. I don't know of any issues.
>> Four weeks ago we helped clear up a file system error that prevented boot.
>> We used edits to grub, a nice trick and the simplest way through the
>> problem, telling grub to force fsck before mounting the system. there were
>> two commands to enter in the "Linux" line in grub, and the caveat to rerun
>> it till it reported no errors.
>> Tonight we can look at whatever you might be brining.
>> See you there. Ted P.
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