[nmglug] MariaDB and WP-CLI

LeRoy Diener leroy at choosetherightside.com
Thu Jul 16 20:14:36 PDT 2020

Hi NMGLUG folks,

I have questions on two topics.

Maria DB vs MySQL
My web server (VPS) has been running MySQL, but the version is getting old,
so I need to update it. I have a choice to update to MySQL 7, the latest,
or MariaDB. I did a little research. MariaDB sounds good. Here's an intro
written 3 years ago. I've written a lot of code a few years back in MySQL.
So, I'm a little apprehensive to change, but it looks like I would be able
to write SQL code in the future with MariaDB, hopefully just as easily as
with MySQL on the server.
Does anyone have any insight into which would be a better choice for this
update, MariaDB or MySQL?

I've been working with Wordpress for years to build sites. I don't do it
full time or anything close, but I slap things together in wp-admin, use a
few plugins, edit the CSS files and edit the PHP a bit. I like WP, but I'm
wondering if there's something better, or maybe a better way for me to
interface with WP. I just learned about WP-CLI. I don't have any particular
need, but it would be nice to know if others have experience and would
recommend it.
Does anyone have experience with WP-CLI? Any advice?

Thanks in advance.
I am the Love of God, no matter what.
LeRoy Diener
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