[nmglug] xander task suitability?

a a at kaluta.us
Mon Oct 19 05:17:03 PDT 2020


Xander task suitability

Debian 10.

Objective Running two monitors individually controlled, First monitor 
"Jisti", second monitor, "imaginary teleprompter" (different resolutions 
xander should should support). "Imaginary telepromter" purports to 
support two monitors, but,upon further reading, on a restricted basis 
and not meeting my intent. Muddling througth this new firsttime 
assemblage > next would install a duplexer? Jitsi running fully 
independent functionality (keyboard mouse.Imaginary teleprompter 
independent  functionality separate keyboard and mouse.

Q, A selected recommendation for an applicable non proprietary 
"duplexer"? software.

Thanks, a

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