[nmglug] Mr. Galassi

Mark Galassi mark at galassi.org
Sun Feb 28 12:22:34 PST 2021

> https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/lanl-scientist-teaches-chess-as-intellectual-gateway-drug/article_7525f13c-6af8-11eb-8800-73065a96d589.html

Thanks all of you!  Newspapers seldom write about what you want them to cover, although Devon Jackson did a much better job than most.  I had put a lot of emphasis on software freedom being a key part of what we do, but that fell on the floor in editing.

Still, all the students mentioned there are doing research with free s/w tools!

And of course our web site has "software freedom" as a top level tab :-)


And notice that at every step of the way nmglug helps: both in running specific courses, and in how SITC helps run our IT infrastructure and web, and in how JS is one of the mentors at the Institute!

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