[nmglug] Meeting tonight;

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 09:21:19 PDT 2021

NMGLUGers, We have a meeting tonight at 5:30pm, MDT, still virtual as per
nmglug.org/meetings/ where the address of the meeting can be found. I
managed to login to jitsi on a 32 bit machine, so I may try to use it
tonight, though the video quality may or may not be passable. No camera,
but we have be limiting the camera use for attendees to improve the audio
for those with poor connection.
We could talk about if and where to meet in person to promoted Free
Software, but the cafe landscape has changed over the years and I certainly
don't have a good suggestion.
See you tonight if you are able. Thank you, Ted P
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