[nmglug] [ABQLUG] Correction on Virtual Meetup Link, September 7
community at abqlug.com
Sun Sep 5 12:58:34 PDT 2021
Obviously this is for _September_, not August. Sorry for the error.
The meetup will be on _September 7th at 6:00 pm_. The first Tuesday of
the month.
Here is the correct meetup link:
Sorry for the confusion!
~ Jared
On Sep 5 2021 1:48 PM, ABQLUG wrote:
> Fellow NMGLUGers,
> This month's Albuquerque Linux User Group meetup will be held
> virtually on Tuesday, August 7th 2021, at 6:00 pm.
> We're joined by a special guest this month, Craig Hollabaugh.
> Craig Hollabaugh is best known for his book published in 2002 titled
> "Embedded Linux". He also has a YouTube channel,
> https://www.youtube.com/c/CraigHollabaugh
> From advice on using Linux, to career development. No questions are
> off the table.
> If you have any burning questions, please bring them!
> Here is the link you can use to join the virtual meetup:
> https://live.abqlug.com/AugustMeetup
> If you are going to use a desktop/laptop, all you should need is a
> modern web browser to join the online meeting.
> If you are going to use a smartphone, you will want to install the
> Jitsi-meet app, and then set the Jitsi-meet server to
> live.abqlug.com.
> If you would like more information on how to attend the meetup,
> please visit:
> https://www.abqlug.com/how-to-attend/
> If you're having issues using a microphone or camera, you might have
> to make sure that WebRTC is enabled in your browser if you have
> "locked down" your browser. If WebRTC is working, you should be able
> to complete a Microphone and Camera test with the link above.
> You can test your setup here:
> https://test.webrtc.org/
> The meetup will likely end around 8:00 PM or before. Hope to see you
> there!
> ~ Jared
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