[nmglug] Bash Beginners Guide?

Anthony J. Bentley anthony at anjbe.name
Fri Jun 9 14:56:14 PDT 2023

Hi Ted,

Ted Pomeroy writes:
> What night you suggest as a starting point for a person going from the GUI
> to a terminal for the very first time?

The Linux Command Line, perhaps?

As for myself, I recall early on systematically reading the manpages for
everything in /bin and /usr/bin. But that may not be the most efficient
way, especially on Linux where the manpage quality is somewhat variable
(I learned on OpenBSD, where manpages are, frankly, much better).

I also got a copy of The Unix Programming Environment by Kernighan & Pike,
and found it surprisingly timeless. But it doesn't really cater to the
desktop-to-CLI use case.

Anthony J. Bentley

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