Hello nmglug,<br><br>If you've not heard a <a href="http://www.newmexicolinuxfest.org">New Mexico LinuxFest</a> is being organized by the <a href="http://nmlc.newmexicolinuxfest.org/">New Mexico Linux Corporation</a>.<br>
<br><p>The first annual New Mexico LinuxFest is
<b><i>tentatively</i></b> scheduled for November, 14th 2009 at the
<a href="http://www.unmsub.com/eventplanning.htm">University of New
Mexico's Student Union Building</a>, <a href="http://www.cabq.gov/">Albuquerque, New Mexico</a> <i>(time and
location is subject to change as we are finalizing details</i>). Hosting authoritative speakers,
a large expo, and other media events.</p>
<p>The New Mexico LinuxFest welcomes Free and Open Source Software
professionals, enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to take part in
the event. The New Mexico LinuxFest is a grassroots conference for
the Linux/Open Source Software/Free Software community. It is a
place for the community to gather and share information about Linux
and Open Source Software.</p>
<p>A large expo area adjacent to the conference rooms will feature
exhibits from our sponsors as well as a large .org section from
non-profit Open Source/Free Software projects. Come participate,
learn, and get inspired.</p><p>So please go to The <a href="http://www.newmexicolinuxfest.org">New Mexico LinuxFest</a> page register and sign up, feel free to add any Linux related events, forums post, and think about presenting as we are looking for presentations on all skill levels.<br>
</p><p>We are desperately searching out sponsors so this can be a free event for the attendees as well <br></p><p>David Thomas</p><p>President - New Mexico Linux Corporation<br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><br>