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Hi fellows,<BR>
I have a little question,<BR>
what are your guidelines these days for a new Linux production server?<BR>
...I know all the variables, well, depends the load, users, apps, etc etc,<BR>
some apps are fine on $50 used pentium IVs <BR>
but for a new, commercial kind of install<BR>
this specific case is a server for 100 users on a rather heavy Rails web app,<BR>
I am more concerned about the approach and the value,<BR>
i.e., there are 1u rack mountable servers from $500 to $10,000<BR>
On several years of IT I had only couple of HD failed,<BR>
one cheap mobo capacitors blown, <BR>
couple of mem simms DOA<BR>
and four or five power supplies gone puff,<BR>
So from my limited experience, I'd say,<BR>
0./ some raid redundancy<BR>
1./ a good power supply,<BR>
2./ no cheap mobo,<BR>
what your input would be on this list?<BR>