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<p>Where is the error? thanks</p>
<p>a@alap:~$ chown a:a /media/a/cfc98ce3-f0dd-4e22-bf8d-dafbe0254a11<br>
a@alap:~$ sudo chown a:a
[sudo] password for a: <br>
a@alap:~$ cd /media/a/cfc98ce3-f0dd-4e22-bf8d-dafbe0254a11<br>
a@alap:/media/a/cfc98ce3-f0dd-4e22-bf8d-dafbe0254a11$ ls -l<br>
total 16<br>
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Oct 20 09:27 lost+found<br>
a@alap:/media/a/cfc98ce3-f0dd-4e22-bf8d-dafbe0254a11$ <br>
<p>"For example, the following command will change the ownership of
a file named <code>file1</code> to a new owner named <code>linuxize</code>:</p>
<pre class="terminal"><code class="terminal-line">$chown linuxize file1"</code></pre>
<p>Thanks, a</p>