[nmglug] Wireless G with RH 9.0

Gary Sandine gars at laclinux.com
Wed Feb 25 12:26:40 PST 2004

Hi Dave,

On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 12:30, Dave Nystrom wrote:
> So, I'm wondering if anyone on this mailing list has any experience with
> setting up a wireless g desktop card with Red Hat 9.0 and could recommend
> what wireless g desktop card to get and where to find instructions on how to
> do this.  I'm using a Linksys Wireless G router at home.

I have some Wireless g PCI cards for testing but have not tried them
yet.  There are some b PCI cards that work well and are fairly cheap
($30 or so).  If I get to any of the g cards in the next day or so, I
will post the restults.

> Also, does anyone know a good place to get Fedora distributions on CD?

I could bring a set to our next meeting Thursday 26 February


Or are you looking for a fast mirror?

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