[nmglug] Lan Party

Sam Noble sam.noble at comcast.net
Tue Jan 27 14:57:09 PST 2004

For those of you interested. There's a lan party this Friday night. 
We'll be playing, UT2003, Savage, Quake3 (probably the Jailbreak:POW
mod) and FreeCraft! There are native linux clients for all four and
FreeCraft is GPL. (er, I think they were, at least before they had their
trouble with Blizzard :smirk:) 

There may be other games but these are scheduled. (And were installed on
the game server, which just died. Anybody got a spare slot A mobo laying

Directions, and a few details can be had at www.thepromisedlan.org. 
Email me for other details. 

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