[nmglug] Gnu Linux Bread Box comments / Website stats

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Sat Jul 31 14:26:49 PDT 2004

Got this today from the comments and requests form:

"Yay! I figured this machine would just be some crappy windows box in the corner and I would have to use the detestable IE to check my email - instead I am pleasanly surprised to find good old firefox!  Horray for tabbed browsing.

On a side note. The website nmglug.org has an average of 70 hits per day. A total of 9631 since nov '03. The most used browser is mozilla,  11% of hits are still coming from IE. Opera comes in 3rd with about 1.5%. Most visits to the site are from people typing the address manually, the breadbox (www.nmglug.org/sfbc) and google come after that. Search strings such as "grub error 18, apt-get versus yum, svn rm -r repository, clusterknoppix tutorial, debian upgrade xfree86 4.3" refer people from search engines.


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