[nmglug] Howdy,

Will Pearson wpearson at mail.sfps.k12.nm.us
Fri Mar 12 14:40:30 PST 2004

For a server based system, I'd stick with an Intel based NIC. Intel in
general has really good Linux support, that way you can be certain that
Linux will install cleanly without searching for drivers and installing

Further, get a 'current' distribution of Linux. Redhat, Mandrake, SuSE,
Debian, etc, etc. That way driver support is better guaranteed.

On Fri, 2004-03-12 at 12:20, Andres Paglayan wrote:
> Hi All,
> It was very nice to meet you all yesterday at SFBC, and I can't wait to 
> get my laptop converted.
> Meanwhile, a question.
> I need to purchase a second white box for another Linux project at the 
> office. (we'll be expending around $300 for an AMD based system. Just 
> motherb, cpu, mem, hdd, and case)
> Any recommended motherboard brand, model, and/or chipset to make things 
> smoother?
> Best regards,
> Andres.

|William Pearson            |       "My computer crashes too!"         |
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|safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin       |
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|looser is the guilty one" --Lucan                                     |

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