[nmglug] High Mayhem

js at jasonschaefer.com js at jasonschaefer.com
Wed Nov 10 23:48:09 PST 2004


Sorry I missed the nmosug meeting. Perhaps John and yourself would like 
to visit nmglug in Santa Fe? We do meet every other Thursday at the SF 
Baking Co. the next meeting is always posted on nmglug.org.

The High Mayhem music festival streaming went fairly well. The first day 
we had some technical difficulties so we were only able to stream Sat 
and Sun. Once everything was worked out ices2 (client) and icecast 
(server - icecast.org) worked perfectly. Of course we were streaming ogg 
vorbis and a few people had issues, mac users in particular (itunes). 
Not many people were interested in the booths. Saturday night we had a 
few people stop by and we burned them Fedora or Knoppix depending on 
their needs. The highlight was streaming live, at the booth, for all to 
hear:-) Even though the booth was not very successful, we did get 
recognition as a group and bring attention to Free software. I still get 
remarks and questions from musicians and fans about our role in the 
festival. It was exciting to work with like minded 
musicians/artists/technicians who recognize the benefits of freedom and 
being "open".


Josh Gentry wrote:

>How did streaming the High Mayhem music festival go?  I was checking 
>that out on your website, and that is a cool event for a LUG.
>I think you are aware of the existence of the New Mexico Open Source 
>User Group, www.nmosug.org.  The geographical distance is a bit of a 
>barrier, but it seems like some cross-pollination between groups would 
>be beneficial.   Are you guys really meeting every other thursday?
>Nov. 10 is the next NMOSUG meeting, at TVI, and John Fleck is going to 
>talk about his experience working on the Gnome project.  I think he 
>worked mostly on documentation.  Should be interesting to hear some real 
>experience working on one of these projects.  Anyone is welcome.

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