[nmglug] stupid question #1

Tim Emerick timothyemerick at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 26 09:34:02 PDT 2004

I'd heard that the Cisco 675 and the 678 were great routers.  I think Qwest
shied away from them because they aren't friendly for the average user to
use.  I don't know why they don't put a web interface in them.


--- Gary Sandine <gars at laclinux.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 23:02 -0600, js at jasonschaefer.com wrote:
> > Take the few extra minutes to  learn the cisco678. you will be rewarded 
> > greatly.
> That's interesting -- I also heard something like that from the owner of
> a Los Alamos ISP.  He said they are great to work with (I have two of
> them and after initial set up for bridged DSL have not had to touch
> them) and that he was disappointed that they were discontinued.  I was
> impressed by their functionality after watching him recover one (of
> mine) from a failed firmware flash.
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