[nmglug] Aztec wants to set up a Linux box for customers to use....

Rowena Muirhead rowena at fastmail.fm
Wed Apr 6 17:48:10 PDT 2005

Is the meeting at the Aztec or Santa Fe Baking on Cordova?

On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 17:30:45 -0600, "Jason Davis"
<mohadib at openactive.org> said:
> Hello All,
>  The Aztec Coffee Shop wants to set up a computer for customers to
> surf/email/etc.. with , free of charge (and free wireless too). They
> (Sarah - owner?) is excited about the stability of Linux and the free
> and open nature. So , tonight  I will do the base install so we won't
> have to wait around all night at the meeting. Then at the meeting , I
> think it would be nice if everyone took turns installing/configuring
> their favorite pkgs for desktop  usage (ie - install flash / set up
> firefox with the pimp extensions/ set up alsa...etc).
>   I know it took us a while to get the box all configured for SFBC ...
> so maybe we could even do a meeting or two at the Aztec should we need
> to do any fine tuning.... or not :)
> Anyway , hope to see a lot of you guys/gals tomorrow :)
> Thanks,
> jd
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  Rowena Muirhead
  rowena at fastmail.fm

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