[nmglug] dude, wheres my password?

Sam Noble sam.noble at comcast.net
Wed Apr 13 14:03:36 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 22:42 +0200, joe at highmayhem.com wrote:
> Thanks guys, 
> I'm trying jason's idea.

Joe, we're all having fun discussing different ways to replace a lost
password... but I totally suspect in your case JD was right and you
*don't* have a root password to lose. That's the normal situation for an
ubuntu install. It's been said a few times but perhaps overlooked in all
this geekno-gobbledy-gook.

To get root access on your box, you login as your regular user:

login: joe
pass: <joespass>

then su - using sudo.

$ sudo su -
pass: <joespass>  <-- not <rootspass>

If you want a root password, just do this once and then when you've
gotten root via sudo you can easily set a password:

# passwd


> This is what happened when i did fdisk. It tells me "here disk is
> something like" bla blabla or bla bla bla. When did computer start
> speaking in such vauge terms?
> root at ubuntu:~ # fdisk 1

you need the -

> Unable to open 1
> root at ubuntu:~ # fdisk -1

You need to be using the lowercase L not the numeral one.

But like I say I doubt you need to be doing this.
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