[nmglug] openmosix cluster update
Tim Emerick
timothyemerick at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 2 15:01:00 PDT 2005
I've been thrashing around trying to get openmosix running on a Debian box
when I remembered this posting. I've actually gotten the kernel to compile
but am having troubles getting the openmosix userland tools since it's
sitting in unstable and I'm in testing.
I RTFM the APT-HOWTO regarding mixed systems (
but got a little confused with /etc/apt/apt.conf. There was an existing dir
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ which confused me a little bit. Can anybody shed any
Tim Emerick
--- bill york <iago at pobox.com> wrote:
> WARNING: long tedious reply!!!
> I have a sarge installation which uses 2.4.26. it wasn't really
> necessary to have that rev, just made using the config file from /boot
> easy. So, in a nutshell...
> i did not use fakeroot as security was really not a concern to me -- so
> installed the kernel as root, not src. also, i used IDE drives as i had
> a bitch of a time with SATA and didn't want to mess around with initrd.
> for the first machine.
> 1. install default sarge, went through all the basic config steps and
> didn't install anything else.
> 2. put reservation in dhcp server for the MAC address for the NIC (not
> sure if a constant IP address was necessary, but what the hell)
> 3. apt-get install libncurses5-dev kernel-package wget ssh ftp ftpd
> kernel-source-2.4.26 bzip2
> 4. cd /usr/src
> 5. tar -jxf kernel-source-2.4.26.tar.bz2
> 6. ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.26 linux
> 7. wget
> 8. cd linux
> 9. cat ../openMosix-2.4.26-1.bz2 | bunzip2 | patch -p1 -l
> 10. copy /boot/config-2.4.26-1-386 ./.config (this step is not necessary
> if you are confident you know which options to build into your kernel)
> 11. make menuconfig
> 12. enable openmosix support (the tutorial from intel's dan robbins
> suggests enabling the following options: openMOSIX process migration
> support, stricter security on openMOSIX ports, direct file system
> access, openMOSIX file system, poll/select exceptions on pipes. of
> these, only the second and last were actually available in my version of
> the patch)
> 13. make-kpkg --append-to-version=.<insert date and version here>
> kernel_image
> <!-- wait a while especially if you have a P2 -->
> 14. cd ..
> 15. dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.26-om1.<dateandversion from
> above>_10.00.Custom_i386.deb
> 16. reboot
> 17. apt-get install libmos libmos-dev openmosix openmosixview
> that's it. node one up and running. of course a one node cluster is
> pretty common even without MOSIX, so i had two other machines plugged
> into the same switch. to eliminate the steps above, i copied the kernel
> image into a user's home directory (and renamed it, my ftp didn't like
> 50+ character filenames. ymmv).
> second and third machines
> 1. follow steps 1-3. if you know how to use dd to install a system over
> the network without installing an OS, i'd love to hear about it
> 2. ftp to the first node and copy the kernel image
> 3. mv the kernel image to /usr/src
> 4. step 15 -17 above
> easy. but only works if you're hardware is all roughly similar. you can
> easily build machines with brand new hardware components from newegg for
> less than $400 each that should work fine (if you are really committed).
> The cool openmosix view only works in X so pick a node and apt-get
> install xserver-xfree86 xserver-common kde. wait a bit and startx. then
> you can run openmosixview and see all the nodes. find a project that you
> want to use to distribute loads. i am currently making a movie with a
> bit of 3d work, so i'm using blender. there's quite a few ideas about
> how to use blender with an openMOSIX cluster, so that's where i am now.
> hope this helps. if you're in albuquerque, let me know and i'll be happy
> to let you come by my office and take a look/play at some point. if you
> are shaking your head at some of my backwards-ass decsions, also let me
> know (really). i'm always happy to learn better ways to do things i've
> cocked up.
> regards,
> Bill
> Tim Emerick wrote:
> >Glad to hear you've gotten your openmosix cluster up and running. I
> >remembered you asking about openmosix a couple of months back which had
> >gotten me thinking of clustering these P2's together.
> >
> >How did you end up doing it? Did you just install sarge on each machine?
> I
> >attempted to recompile the kernel using the debian instructions from the
> site
> >but my version of the Sarge install came with 2.4.27 which didn't have the
> >patch yet (although the latest Knoppixcluster was using a patched 2.4.27
> >kernel).
> >
> >I was looking at the instant cluster CD's on the openmosix.org website. I
> >liked the clusterknoppix approach but for some reason knoppix won't boot
> up
> >on these machines...go figure. ClusterKnoppix also was designed with the
> >cluster on it's own lan (via 2 nic's) which includes it's own DCHP server
> and
> >PXE boot images. All in all a fairly impressive drop in place package.
> >
> >I also liked the CHAOS floppy boot approach. I might burn the floppy
> image
> >onto CD's for the slave nodes and disconnect the hard drives. Use a full
> >blown cluster patched debian kernel for the master machine.
> >
> >btw, if I didn't mention before, I'm looking to use my 8 P2-400's to sit
> in
> >the garage and crunch BOINC projects (SETI & Predictor). I've been
> >vacillating between running as a cluster or just running them separately
> on
> >each machine. There appears to be much information on how to set up seti
> to
> >run efficiently on openmosix but with the open mosix approach you really
> >don't need to do anything to the application to have it run on openmosix.
> >
> >I would be interested to hear how you pieced your cluster together.
> >
> >Tim Emerick
> >
> >--- bill york <iago at pobox.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>success
> >>
> >>(sorry to interrupt the joviality re: power)
> >>
> >>my problem was not knowing how to use initrd. seems that sata drives
> >>appear as scsi drives and need a ramdisk to load the fs on the drive. i
> >>pussied out and (this is an advantage of having a lot of spare computers
> >>around) used machines with ide drives instead.
> >>
> >>patched the kernel. recompiled -- the default sarge installation is
> >>gratefully 2.4.26, the same as the latest mosix kernel patch. i could
> >>use the config file from /boot! packaged the new kernel, copied it to
> >>all nodes, installed openmosix with apt and /presto chango/.
> >>
> >>thanks everyone for your help! now if i can just find a use for this
> >>cluster....
> >>
> >>W
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
> >
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