[nmglug] DSL and Mepis problems on laptop

Lee Einer lee at dosmanosjewelry.com
Sun Aug 28 12:48:26 PDT 2005

I recently got Qwest DSL basic service. I have been trying to get it to 
work on my HP laptop since Friday, to no avail. I am running SimplyMepis 
with the 2.6 kernel.

The behavior of the laptop is most bizarre. I can get a connection 
either with the ethernet cable or the wireless card (verified with 
ifconfig and iwconfig.) I can pull up SOME webpages, slowly, but most of 
'em time out.  My mailservers also time out.

On the off chance that it was some bad configuration files, I popped the 
live SimplyMepis CD in my drive and rebooted, so I could run the 
standard, default configuration. The behavior did not change. I did all 
sorts of rearranging the phone lines and filters, to no avail. I was 
convinced that Qwest had provided me with a bad line or a  bum modem. 
Then I hooked up my PC, which runs Mandrake Linux 8.2 (archaic, I know.) 
The DSL runs flawlessly on it.

This just in- I just tried running my laptop with the 2.4 kernel, and 
the wireless works just fine. What is up with this? Is this a 2.6 kernel 
bug? How can I fix?


Lee Einer
Dos Manos Jewelry

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