[nmglug] SFBC website un-blocking volunteer

js at jasonschaefer.com js at jasonschaefer.com
Wed Feb 2 08:00:47 PST 2005

When we setup the breadbox PC at SF Baking Company, the management asked 
us to filter traffic for inapropriate content. We setup dansguardian 
with squid proxy to do this. I dislike having to filter the content at 
all, but it is their restuarant and its in a public place. To lessen the 
frustration of being locked out of a site that is not inapropriate, I 
added a request form that sends the url to me and I can login remotely 
and add it to the exceptionsitelist. Can someone volunteer to take these 
requests? Also, if anyone knows of a better way to do this, please feel 


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