[nmglug] SFBC website un-blocking volunteer

Tim Emerick timothyemerick at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 9 00:24:05 PST 2005

Jason, did you get a volunteer for this?

I've been very interested in how Dan's Guardian works (which I believe you
are using at SFBC).  I wouldn't mind helping out.

Tim Emerick

--- "js at jasonschaefer.com" <js at jasonschaefer.com> wrote:

> When we setup the breadbox PC at SF Baking Company, the management asked 
> us to filter traffic for inapropriate content. We setup dansguardian 
> with squid proxy to do this. I dislike having to filter the content at 
> all, but it is their restuarant and its in a public place. To lessen the 
> frustration of being locked out of a site that is not inapropriate, I 
> added a request form that sends the url to me and I can login remotely 
> and add it to the exceptionsitelist. Can someone volunteer to take these 
> requests? Also, if anyone knows of a better way to do this, please feel 
> free!
> -Jason
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