[nmglug] CD-Rom wheredit go

Karl Hegbloom karlheg at laclinux.com
Sat Jul 23 18:48:40 PDT 2005

Looking at it again, that error message looks like one I've seen when
there was no disc in the drive.  If you were using 'udev' and 'hotplug',
it would be easier, perhaps, to see if the device is really "there",
since the /dev/hdc would only exist if it has been initialized.

Try "modprobe -r ide-cd && sleep 1 && modprobe ide-cd", then check
"dmesg" to see what it says upon reloading the module.

Another question... is the 'iso9660' module loaded?  That is needed for
data CD file systems.

Karl Hegbloom <karlheg at laclinux.com>
Los Alamos Computers, Technical Support

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