[nmglug] Wireless on Dell 600m With Fedora Core 3

Sam Noble sam.noble at comcast.net
Wed Jun 15 14:42:53 PDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 09:34 -0600, William D. Nystrom wrote:
> modprobe ndiswrapper

Dave, rh/ft systems as you discovered don't have a nice
convenient /etc/modules file. So forcing a module to load at boot time
is a bit tricky.
You can create an initscript that loads the module, but the hack I
usually use is to put a line in the /etc/modprobe.conf file that causes
the module to be loaded when some 'known to get loaded by fedora at boot
time' module is loaded.
I usually use the wired ethernet driver, so let's imagine your ethernet
driver is e100 and e100 gets loaded consistently at boot time. We can
add line to modprobe.conf (or modprobe.conf.local) like this:

install e100 /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install e100

Not a pretty hack, but it works fine.

> iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
> iwconfig wlan0 key restricted "My 26 digit WEP key"
> iwconfig wlan0 essid "My network name"
> dhclient wlan0

This stuff goes in the file, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0

But it's a pain to do by hand and despite how often I'll claim that it's
better to edit conf files by hand, the gui tool system-config-network
(or find it in the gnome menus at like Hat-->System Settings-->Network
is the way to go for this stuff. However it does tend to put
wireless-tools commands that aren't applicable for a particular driver
in there. So after you have it working if you notice that 'ifup wlan0'
spouts some stuff about 'Unsupported Command set_xxx' go back and edit
the file by hand and comment out the lines for whichever xxx you get
(often Channel and/or Mode)

Hope that helps.
GPG key F343E5FC (fingerprint:DF37 93BC AFEC 0A6A CC08  4A95 3790 8B4C
F343 E5FC)
available at: http://sam.noble.home.comcast.net/sams_publickey.gpg.asc
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