[nmglug] [SlashZot] A Coffeeshop's Weekends Without Wi-Fi

js at jasonschaefer.com js at jasonschaefer.com
Fri May 27 10:49:32 PDT 2005

I understand this can be a problem but is usually exaggerated. How often
would a cafe have the same people eat breakfast, lunch and dinner all in
one day? Not to mention, multiple drinks throughout the day? Also, there
are some who will not go to a cafe that is not wifi enabled. Not the
otherway around, unless of course, it was too busy with "wifi
squatters". So place a sign asking people to be considerate, this would
encourage people to either buy somthing to justify taking a table or
move. What about the people who go and sit around talking, only drinking
one cup of coffee the entire time? On the otherhand if the cafe is tiny
this will always be a problem. So, the best solution would be to put
wifi in every single cafe so people could spread out more.


Mark Galassi wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> A Coffeeshop's Weekends Without Wi-Fi
> From:
> SlashZot <dj at delorie.com>
> Date:
> Thu, 26 May 2005 22:00:03 -0400
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> slashzot at delorie.com
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>A Coffeeshop's Weekends Without Wi-Fi
>[1]Glenn Fleishman writes "Victrola Cafe and Art in Seattle
>is a popular coffeeshop that offers free Wi-Fi--except on the
>weekends. In an experiment, [2]the cafe started shutting down
>its Wi-Fi network on Saturdays and Sundays after watching
>their culture erode: the shop became full (and was turning
>away customers) with six-to-eight hour Wi-Fi squatters, many
>of whom didn't even purchase anything. Their second Sunday
>without Wi-Fi was one of their best revenue days in some
>time. I don't propose a Wi-Fi (or free Wi-Fi) backlash, but
>it's interesting how with some time under their belt, the
>clash of inward facing technology and outward facing culture
>hit these particular entrepreneurs' limit."
>    <URL:http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/26/2342256>
>[1] <REF:http://wifinetnews.com/>
>[2] <REF:http://wifinetnews.com/archives/005325.html>
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