[nmglug] [SlashZot] A Coffeeshop's Weekends Without Wi-Fi

bill york iago at pobox.com
Fri May 27 10:56:13 PDT 2005

put a one-hour code on every receipt ;)


js at jasonschaefer.com wrote:

>I understand this can be a problem but is usually exaggerated. How often
>would a cafe have the same people eat breakfast, lunch and dinner all in
>one day? Not to mention, multiple drinks throughout the day? Also, there
>are some who will not go to a cafe that is not wifi enabled. Not the
>otherway around, unless of course, it was too busy with "wifi
>squatters". So place a sign asking people to be considerate, this would
>encourage people to either buy somthing to justify taking a table or
>move. What about the people who go and sit around talking, only drinking
>one cup of coffee the entire time? On the otherhand if the cafe is tiny
>this will always be a problem. So, the best solution would be to put
>wifi in every single cafe so people could spread out more.
>Mark Galassi wrote:
>>A Coffeeshop's Weekends Without Wi-Fi
>>SlashZot <dj at delorie.com>
>>Thu, 26 May 2005 22:00:03 -0400
>>slashzot at delorie.com
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>>mozart.galassi.org news.slashzot:30199
>>A Coffeeshop's Weekends Without Wi-Fi
>>[1]Glenn Fleishman writes "Victrola Cafe and Art in Seattle
>>is a popular coffeeshop that offers free Wi-Fi--except on the
>>weekends. In an experiment, [2]the cafe started shutting down
>>its Wi-Fi network on Saturdays and Sundays after watching
>>their culture erode: the shop became full (and was turning
>>away customers) with six-to-eight hour Wi-Fi squatters, many
>>of whom didn't even purchase anything. Their second Sunday
>>without Wi-Fi was one of their best revenue days in some
>>time. I don't propose a Wi-Fi (or free Wi-Fi) backlash, but
>>it's interesting how with some time under their belt, the
>>clash of inward facing technology and outward facing culture
>>hit these particular entrepreneurs' limit."
>>   <URL:http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/26/2342256>
>>[1] <REF:http://wifinetnews.com/>
>>[2] <REF:http://wifinetnews.com/archives/005325.html>
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