[nmglug] Wireless bridging

Tim Emerick timothyemerick at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 26 22:15:12 PDT 2006

Please excuse the cross posting.  I had met someone on this list that made a living doing wireless networking and have lost his contact info.
  I'm needing some help/advice on creating a wireless bridge between 2 buildings.  I have 2 Linksys WAP11 radios but the omnidirectional antennas that came with it aren't strong enough.
  I'm also looking for some analog phone adaptors so I can plug a couple of analog lines into my pbx, the adaptor converts analog to IP which gets transmitted across the wireless then an adaptor on the other side that allows me to plug in some analog phones.
  Looking for someone that can help me get this thing up and running in a short amount of time.
  Tim Emerick
  Reliable Chevrolet

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