[nmglug] Re:lost xserver upon upgrade is OK now, no network tho!

Sam Noble sam at laclinux.com
Thu Apr 27 12:04:06 PDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 11:37 -0600, Brian O'Keefe wrote:
> Thanks everyone. This is a bit for me to handle as I am not that
> profficient 
> in this sort of thing, always relying on GUI's mostly but I'm willing!
> I checked via my router ( D-Link) and found WAN info:
> DNS -
> Not to sound stupid but my /etc/resolc.conf file does not have the 
> "nameserver" now, just the address I just want to be sure
> that 
> when I edit the file I would add exactly this:
> nameserver
> nameserver

Yes exactly like that.

> or do I need the brackets too?


> Also Jason, I cannot access any ip in Linux right now. I'm writing
> this from 
> my OS X partition so I need to reboot into Linux to try these
> suggestions but 
> would like the clarification I requested above first to save
> headaches.
> PS-I'm not with Qwest but rather Cybermesa
> Again-a multitude of thanks!! 

Yeah those are cybermesa's DNS servers.

We've all seen this problem lots with Qwest and actiontec
I don't think I've seen this with cybermesa customers. It's not
impossible that this could be fixed with the right setting in the
D-link. Though go ahead for now and implement one of these three
solutions and you should be able to get online from your dapper install
and decide if you want to dig any deeper.

Of course this will only solve it if we're all correct in thinking your
problem is the DNS server that your router sends via dhcp.

As I said last night the way to check is to visit some sites directly by

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