[nmglug] Ownership and permissions

mohadib mohadib at openactive.org
Thu Aug 17 18:01:20 PDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 17:55 -0700, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
> Dear Jason, I am back to Breezy 5.10 as it WORKS.  I do not like the
> Dapper, it seems unfriendly to various parts of my admittedly older
> harware. Breezy is fine. In fact I updated Breeze and shot myself in
> thte foot: the weifi card I use was disabled, the very one I used for
> the update. Damn, I hate that. So I pulled out the disc and I am back
> to unmodified Breezy and will test is shortly. Yeah, I cheat and this
> is a different rig. Despite asll this I am trying to spread the word
> of Gnu/Linux to actual users. Yours, Ted P.
Good luck Ted. I have been pretty happy with Dapper , but breezy 
dose seem a little more refined. 


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