[nmglug] Windows Vista killswitch and switching to Linux

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Mon Oct 16 09:58:23 PDT 2006


The exclusion of mp3 in most distro's nowadays does not have anything to 
do with the RIAA. Its because of the patents governing this format. See:


Lee Einer wrote:
> I am fond of Mepis for its ease of installation and configuration. I am
> somewhat disappointed with their latest release, 6.0 which has
> eliminated support for MP3. Yes, you can install the needed files later,
> but it is a PITA and IMO the exclusion of these files is needless
> pandering to the RIAA bastards.
> Lee
> Ted Pomeroy wrote:
>> Tom & Others, I am happy with Ubuntu and its Gnome desktop and Mozilla
>> Firrefox. The pachaged Open Office is a treat and does take a  while to
>> load. I have learned to accect that. On the web, I am pleased with the
>> Firevfox browser and detect no difference in speed from previous MS
>> Windows experience.
>>  I am pleased to have made the move.
>> If you want a run down of distros, TUX Magazine ran one several months
>> ago and it might help. The great part of Linux is choice and freedom to
>> make changes to suit yourself. My advice, dive in and really try to rely
>> on the linux you choose. If you don't like it then you really can change
>> in a few months to another edition an you will find the skills and
>> knowledge very transferable. Heck, I still miss RedHat 8., but it is no
>> longer supported and I thought it better to join a crowd.
>> Just my thoughts, Ted Pomeroy
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com. Check it out.
>> <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=42974/*http://www.yahoo.com/preview>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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