[nmglug] disk space again

Nick Frost nickf at nickorama.com
Tue Apr 10 14:04:34 PDT 2007

BrianO'Keefe wrote:
> I've been working on that idea but I already have a 15 gig partition for
> Linux on my laptop as well as a 40 gig partition for OS X, which I never
> use so I should clone that to my 40 gig usb drive. I have a 160 gig usb
> drive that fills up with all my torrent downloads.

Just a thought...if you have a 40 gig partition with OS X that you don't 
use, you could use a partition tool like Partition magic or GParted to 
shave a few megs off your OS X partition and enlarge your Linux partition.


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Nicholas S. Frost
nickf at nickorama.com

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