[nmglug] external drive additional

Nick Frost nickf at nickorama.com
Wed Feb 21 08:59:06 PST 2007

BrianO'Keefe wrote:

 >Can I just rename the
> directory back to "For_Linux" or will that cause some sort of screw up.
> I'd like to just get back to the status quo of having the "For_Linux"
> directory.

I'm guessing you will use "mv" command to rename, which will move 
For_Linux_1 to For_Linux", which is fine if that's what you want. 
Another option is to move the files (recursively if necessary) from 
For_Linux_1 into For_Linux and then remove the For_Linux_1 directory. 
If you want to play it safe, you can archive (tar, bzip, etc.) the data 
before you perform the move to ensure all goes well.

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Nicholas S. Frost
nickf at nickorama.com

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