[nmglug] Need a scanner that works on Ubuntu

Nick Frost nickf at nickorama.com
Tue Feb 5 21:01:25 PST 2008

J. Marsden DeLapp wrote:

> I was particularly interested in how it works as a printer.

Ah.  Ok.  Well, my plan is actually to take it to work and see about 
scanning from Linux from a slightly newer install.  I'll test the 
printing as well (from Linux) and report back as soon as I have some 
meaningful results.

 > I would like to get a new printer for use at home. I have a HP720C 
 >that works great for most things but it is really
 > really slow. It also does a poor job of printing photos.

I have found, with the near ubiquity of cheap laster printers nowadays, 
that inkjets are best reserved for printing photos and color, and for 
monochrome jobs at home I use a workgroup/networked laser; specifically 
a Brother HL-5250DN.  The lasers are faster, some auto-duplex, and the 
ink does not run if the page gets wet (when used as a morning coffee 
coaster, hihi), no ink cartridges to dry out (a laser can sit for months 
and when fired up will print just fine).
I like the Brother HL-5250DN because I can print from any computer to it 
(networked printer), supported by OS X, Linux, and MS Windows, and it 
does auto-duplexing (2-sided printing).

There are cheaper lasers than the HL-5250DN as well that are well-reviewed;

Brother HL-2070N

HP LaserJet 1018 CB419A

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Nicholas S. Frost
7 Avenida Vista Grande #325
Santa Fe, NM  87508

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