[nmglug] Need a scanner that works on Ubuntu

J. Marsden DeLapp jmdelapp at delapp.com
Tue Feb 5 19:26:58 PST 2008

I was particularly interested in how it works as a printer.

I would like to get a new printer for use at home. I have a HP720C that works great for most things but it is really 
really slow. It also does a poor job of printing photos.


J. Marsden DeLapp, PE
DeLapp & Associates, Inc. dba DeLapp Engineering®
Providing lighting and power planning, design and analysis services
for commercial, industrial and large residential facilities.
1190 Harrison Rd Ste 3a
Santa Fe NM 87507
(505) 983-5557

Nick Frost wrote:
> J. Marsden DeLapp wrote:
>>> If you're not in a rush, I can test it with Linux/Sane this weekend and 
>>> report back to the NMGLUG list this weekend.
>> Nick,
>> So how does it work?
> Hi Mars;
> Well, I haven't finished testing it. Had a bit of a Linux problem 
> (Detailed below) that I haven't worked through yet.
> What I can tell you thus far is that the HP C5180 has a web browser 
> built-in and a front-panel LCD as well.  So configuring the thing with 
> an IP address, putting it on a network, and hitting the internal web 
> server is dead easy.  So, on that score it works very well.
> The scan quality seems to leave something to be desired, but I have not 
> had time to fool with settings much, so I can't really tell if that's 
> the scanner, or a case of me not configuring it properly as yet.  What I 
> hope to do when I have more time is scan the same print with two 
> different scanners (one of them the HP C5180) and then  post the results 
> on a  web page so people can visually compare the scan quality.
> The C5180 web interface contains a "scan" function. So, one can scan and 
> download a picture via the web browser, without having to resort to 
> Sane/Xsane.  But, that only gives you the 180 KB resolution or so that 
> the scanner webapp does by default.  But, for quick scans without having 
> to deal with any software, it works quite well.  Very simple.
> I have installed the HP software on a Macintosh and scanning there works 
> pretty well, and one can change the resolution.  I also tested the OCR 
> application and it scanned a page of text, with output into "Textedit" 
> and that generated what appears to be perfect copy (OCR).
> I haven't tested it under MS Windows.
> The device works well as a single-page copier, I copied a one page set 
> of directions with a hand-drawn map.  It was as simple as laying the 
> original on the glass and punching the Black/White copy button.
> The Linux install that I have is too old, and so I was unable to get 
> Sane/Xsane to work. LibUSB appears to "See" the scanner, but I had to 
> upgrade UDEV and basically that mangled the Linux install, which I 
> hopefully will fix in the coming days, at which point I will try to get 
> the HP C5180 working with Sane/Xsane and GIMP under Linux, at which time 
> I can report back.  I can also post some of the scans on my website and 
> post the URL's of the samples here if there is interest in that.
> I hope that answers some of the questions anyway.
> -Nick
> ------------------------------
> Nicholas S. Frost
> 7 Avenida Vista Grande #325
> Santa Fe, NM  87508
> www.nickorama.com
> ------------------------------
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